Morombe Credenza - Maison Vogue
Morombe Credenza
Morombe Credenza - Maison Vogue
Morombe Credenza
Morombe Credenza - Maison Vogue
Morombe Credenza - Maison Vogue
Morombe Credenza - Maison Vogue
Morombe Credenza - Maison Vogue

Morombe Credenza

Currey & Company

The deep-toned distressed cocoa finish on the Morombe Credenza highlights the patterns of natural wood that form embedded squares in a geometric illusion of depth. Each of the three doors on this dark brown credenza opens to an array of adjustable and fixed shelving for a variety of storage solutions. We also offer the Morombe in a chest and a cabinet.

Finish: Distressed Cocoa
Materials: Oak Solids and Veneers
Overall: 32.5"h x 84.25"w x 18"d
Weight: 240 lb
Hardware: Integrated Wood Pull
Doors: 6
Hinges: Adjustable European Cup Hinge
Adjustable Shelves: 4
Floor Protection: Adjustable Glide

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